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Villa Pavilion
Rated SuperbGuest RatedGuest RatedRated ExcellentRated ExcellentRated Superb
Phnom Penh
Preah Ang Makhak
Starting At:
227, street 19 Phnom Penh, Preah Ang Yukanthor Street (19), Phnom Penh 122001, Cambodia
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A few steps from the Royal Palace and Wat Botum (Royal Pagoda), a collection of four period buildings, including what presumably was Queen Mother Kossamak's private residence. There is a sense of timeless tranquility among exuberant flora. Two large swimming pools and private plunge pools contribute to the oasis feel of a place where each and every one of its accommodations keeps its own character and atmosphere.
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227, street 19 Phnom Penh, Preah Ang Yukanthor Street (19), Phnom Penh 122001, Cambodia

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