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Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel
Rated SuperbGuest RatedGuest RatedRated ExcellentRated ExcellentRated Superb
Phnom Penh
Phnom Penh
Starting At:
100 USD
Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel Street Keo Chanda, Phnom Penh 12110, Cambodia
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Sokha Phnom Penh is strategically located on Chroy Changvar peninsula, opposite to the Royal Palace and approximately 13 km from Phnom Penh International Airport. Offering breathtaking view of the majestic Royal Palace, Chaktomuk River and a wide sweeping view of the untouched greenery rural beauty opposite of Phnom Penh capital, Sokha Phnom Penh provides the peaceful, less busy side of the congested capital.
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Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel Street Keo Chanda, Phnom Penh 12110, Cambodia

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