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Nhu Y 2 Hotel
Rated SuperbGuest RatedGuest RatedRated ExcellentRated ExcellentRated Superb
Ho Chi Minh City
Phường Bình Trị Đông B, Quận Bình Tân, TPHCM
Starting At:
407k VND
76 đường 7A, Phường Bình Trị Đông B, Quận Bình Tân, TPHCM
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Hotel Nhu Y 2 is a vacation rental and hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It's located in the Binh Tan District, about 3 miles from Dam Sen Cultural Park and 4.8 km from the Military Museum
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76 đường 7A, Phường Bình Trị Đông B, Quận Bình Tân, TPHCM

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