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Lao Poet Hotel
Rated SuperbGuest RatedGuest RatedRated ExcellentRated ExcellentRated Superb
Vientiane City
Starting At:
85 USD
Vientiane, Laos
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Flanked by cafes and restaurants in a lively residential area, this upscale hotel is 1 km from Wat Si Saket, a 19th-century temple, and 5 km from Vientiane International Airport. Featuring concrete floors and vibrant decor, the chic rooms, some with tropical-themed murals, provide Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs and minibars, as well as tea and coffeemakers. Suites add separate living areas. Room service is offered. There’s a hip eatery, a spa, and an informal rooftop restaurant/bar that has a terrace with an infinity pool. Parking, bike rentals and an airport shuttle are available, as is breakfast. Minimum-stay rules may apply.
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Vientiane, Laos

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